2012,博客來書店,1i6博客來網路書店,博客來網路書店歡迎您,博客來書局,博客來售票網,博客來折價券2012,books 博客來網路書店
作者:柯錫杰 出版社:大塊文化 出版日期:2012年12月11日 語言:繁體中文 ISBN:9789862133972 裝訂:平裝
top 本書特色 國寶級攝影大師柯錫杰前所未見的影像回憶錄 打開心靈視窗,看見別人看不見的, 浩瀚的、磅礡的、雄渾的、荒涼的、幽暗的、纖細的、微小的, 不論是聚焦的絕美風景,抑或被遺忘的角落, 在我眼裡,都是同樣蘊含生命與哲理,具有相同的感情溫度; 無國界的旅行,跨越文化藝術的藩籬, 滋育人生的養分,不止於表相的事物和景色,還有我心底最深邃之悸動作者簡介柯錫杰 國際攝影大師柯錫杰先生,1929年生於台灣台南,早期畢業於東京綜合寫真專門學校,受日本攝影大師重森弘淹啟蒙,在60年代,即以風景、人物等專題攝影系列,為台灣早期現代攝影風格開創出新的里程碑。之後,毅然放下盛名與成果,奔赴世界藝術之都——紐約,接受時尚攝影的訓練與洗禮,成為70年代,少數在紐約商業攝影界展露鋒芒的亞裔攝影家之一。80年代,他告別紐約,足跡遍行南歐、北非及中國大陸,以極靜澄明之心,重新擁抱世界。 1993年柯錫杰落葉歸根,返回台灣定居,現雖已年逾八十,仍不斷創作,足跡遍及台灣各地,用相機與獨特的藝術眼光,創造出一幅幅動人的影像,為台灣這塊土地,留下許多珍貴的影像紀錄。 Si-Chi Ko, who is an internationally renowned photographer, created his own style since the early 60s. Ko’s major work focused in landscape and portrait. He set a milestone of the modern style of photography for Taiwan. Later he moved to New York, where he resided and became an active commercial / fashion photographer. Gradually, Ko doesn’t only make his own name as a top photographer in New York; but also he was noted as one of the most talented Asian photographer who was based in New York. Since 1993, Si-Chi Ko has returned and settled down in Taiwan. Today, when people talk about him, they always refer to him as a master of color photography. Nevertheless, he continues contributing his passion and talent to challenge another climax for his career of photographic arts.
top 本書特色 國寶級攝影大師柯錫杰前所未見的影像回憶錄 打開心靈視窗,看見別人看不見的, 浩瀚的、磅礡的、雄渾的、荒涼的、幽暗的、纖細的、微小的, 不論是聚焦的絕美風景,抑或被遺忘的角落, 在我眼裡,都是同樣蘊含生命與哲理,具有相同的感情溫度; 無國界的旅行,跨越文化藝術的藩籬, 滋育人生的養分,不止於表相的事物和景色,還有我心底最深邃之悸動作者簡介柯錫杰 國際攝影大師柯錫杰先生,1929年生於台灣台南,早期畢業於東京綜合寫真專門學校,受日本攝影大師重森弘淹啟蒙,在60年代,即以風景、人物等專題攝影系列,為台灣早期現代攝影風格開創出新的里程碑。之後,毅然放下盛名與成果,奔赴世界藝術之都——紐約,接受時尚攝影的訓練與洗禮,成為70年代,少數在紐約商業攝影界展露鋒芒的亞裔攝影家之一。80年代,他告別紐約,足跡遍行南歐、北非及中國大陸,以極靜澄明之心,重新擁抱世界。 1993年柯錫杰落葉歸根,返回台灣定居,現雖已年逾八十,仍不斷創作,足跡遍及台灣各地,用相機與獨特的藝術眼光,創造出一幅幅動人的影像,為台灣這塊土地,留下許多珍貴的影像紀錄。 Si-Chi Ko, who is an internationally renowned photographer, created his own style since the early 60s. Ko’s major work focused in landscape and portrait. He set a milestone of the modern style of photography for Taiwan. Later he moved to New York, where he resided and became an active commercial / fashion photographer. Gradually, Ko doesn’t only make his own name as a top photographer in New York; but also he was noted as one of the most talented Asian photographer who was based in New York. Since 1993, Si-Chi Ko has returned and settled down in Taiwan. Today, when people talk about him, they always refer to him as a master of color photography. Nevertheless, he continues contributing his passion and talent to challenge another climax for his career of photographic arts.